A man desn't really understand his subject
unless he can explain it to a man in the street
-Max Plank
THE GREENHOUSE HOAX The real greenhouse gas is
water not CO2. Depending on the droplet size of the vapor cloud,
water can hold several times the heat that CO2 can or
reflect dozens of times more heat than the CO2 can compensate for. A possible link seems to be the size of the droplete is proportional to the
'surface tension': which in turn is related to certain aromatic compounds or scents commonly given off by plants....
THE OZONE HOLE HOAX In the eighties, several bands of unknown scientists
bought a certain aclaim for themselves by bad mouthing a gift from God, the halogens.
Chiefly, they claimed that
our upper atmosphere is being erroded by chlorine & flourine.
As proof they offer a 'hole in the ozone layer' above the south pole
Actually if they examined the phenomenon fully they would see that it is 'fixed'
geometrically & temporally to the magnetic field connection. Further a ducting of hydrogen by this magnetic vortex causes the ozone to react, forming the 'mysterious water vapor'.Delightfully a shower of electrons along the outer sheath causes huge supplies of Ozone- where little or none should be.
THE SPACE PROGRAM HOAX What we don't need is a space station, we have too
much space junk in our skies now.What is needed is several space sleds,
a frame with engines & habitat waiting in orbit for an
assignment.Strap a fuel tank on her & she'll take you anywhere, again & again & again.
WEATHER Any Farm hand can tell you that microscopic
applications of fertilizer & ferrous oxides, cause plants & planktons to darken.
On a daily basis the increased power adsorbtion could equal a 5 megaton bomb
over a 1000 square mile plot of ocean. If you liked nuclear winter you'll love solar cyclones & long hot summers.
THE FREE MASONS I believe they rule the world with a
language of guestures
& a microwave laser system which can induce, pain, fear,& even love.
Real patients, with panic disorders or desert storm syndrome, will probably find relief with an aluminum foil collar (to protect the thyroid); protection of the pancreatic area (to avoid insulin shock) & lastly protection of the lower bowel (from an inch above the navelto the hips then down to the groin) (which when irritated by the penetrating rays of of a microwave laser, cause a sense of dread
SECRET PASSWORDS Know, think, hope
I **hope** the next time a cop stops you & asks "Do you **know** why I stopped this vehicle?";
you can **think** of something more creative to say than huh?
You hang out with a bunch of guys who introduce you around as there "buddy" & each other as there "pals"; you got problems
Watch for "A" for "hey" hi fives, "'A' stranger long time no see". Just say, "hi boss".
THE ION DRIVE HOAX In the 1950es all the kids were making ion drives,
a cross between a 19th century carbon arc lamp & a cheap cathode ray tube. At the time the magic ingredient was cesium 137.
NASA has just reinvented the ion drive only now it uses irridium(the dinosaur killer:-)
These'drop thru a potential' charged doen't have the same clout that a pair of dees can twist into a particles. Now an old 10 ton iron soft core magnetic armature medical bevatrons has to be bolted down because fireing a few ordinary electrons wants to kick it across the room.Imagine building the same bevatron but with only a 50 pound supermagnet... be back from the moon before supper!
A highly
qualified professional is one who
never forgets the interests of the guy who
signs the paychecks.

(c)1999 Null-A